Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Beibi Diego

Bebi diego was the loveliest cat in the World. He born in September of 2008 and since that day he was the light of my eyes until his dead.
He was a most beautiful cat in the  entire world ,  his  coat was a  intense grey  color  and his eyes  was  of a beautiful green  , he really was the sensation of the cats in the neighborhood. I was present the day he born, and his mother was a very ugly cat   but extrangely he was so different to her.
When he was a littler cat   one time he  lost  for three days  I was very worried  for him , but   the same like Jesus  in the third day he  appear  in my windows . Beibi Diego was very popular since he born because I always talk about hem in the university with my class mates and all my friends. One time my class mates laughed of hem and they put up posters about his homosexuality but only was  a lie because Beidi Diego  was   a super sexy cat.
But   the happiness disappears when one day he doesn’t fell to sleep in the night. With my sister Javiera looked him in every place of my house and the neighborhood but he doesn’t appear.
The next Morning when I   left my home I saw him in the street, he was dead … some car ran him over L
 I cry all the day because I really love that cat , he was like my son …
I always remember you Beibi Dieguito ….


  1. I only can said that Im in Love to babidiego, everyday I think In this animal, is so special for me :) jaja

    Bye naty cat!! Nice too meet you.

  2. Vale said the true, she talk all the day of beibi Diego :) he is a legend!

  3. your ex cat was beautiful!!!!!!

  4. Beibi Diego once told me that you loved me...

  5. beibi Diego was the only cat who won my heart
